I must say that this has been one of the longest harvest I can ever remember. Maybe it is the fact that I have Lyndin reminding me everyday how much she misses seeing dada or the fact that Will has been in the field everyday since September 25. Either way, it has been long and they are only about 3/4 done. Luckily it has been going smoothly with the biggest problem being the lack of storage due to the awesome yields.
Now with a few cows and the weaned calves at home, my responsibilities have picked up around the farm (as if I needed more). Since Will doesn't make it home before dark, Lyndin and I are in charge of animal welfare checks. She loves making sure everyone is doing good and will do whatever it takes to try to touch the animals. She loves playing with the calves, goats, sheep, chickens and dogs and I know they all enjoy the attention. It is hard to believe that in a few years she will be able to drive the skid loader and do the chores on her own, but for now, riding with mommy will have to do.
As hard as being a "single parent" during harvest is I wouldn't trade having my daughter grow up on a farm for anything. Thankfully I have a great support system of family and friends to help me out when I need some extra hands.
PS: After the last few rodeos Lyndin and I have had with wrangling loose cows, Will is finally going to get off early tonight to fix some fences. Fingers crossed that we can keep them from free ranging on the road for awhile.